Thursday, November 1, 2007


Author: Edward Luce
Genre: India (It is a whole new category, because there are so many people writing about it).Conventionally- Current Affairs
Publisher: Little, Brown

Logic, reason, judgment are always interesting conclusions. But can they always be arrived at? Well most times, Yes. Why do we need to know reason? Maybe because it will end the suspense. Yet another adventurer sets out on the quest to solve the puzzle that is India.

Previously, there used to be many debates and discussions on the social, political anomaly that India represents. ‘In Spite of the Gods’ describes the economic phenomenon that it represents and very interestingly ties together some social, cultural and historical aspects as well.

The book discusses some familiar topics such as the disparity in economic prosperity among some states, our civil service, the little-too-often mentioned Nehru-Gandhi Dynasty.

There are several interesting insights into topics dealing with Ambedkar and adoption of Buddhism by Dalits, I was intrigued by the analysis of the economic situation of Muslims in India, where it turns out that it is not about religion at all, but something as logical and basic as education of women. My favourite chapter is the ‘The Triangular Dance’ about India, China and US. It is probably because no other author’s work has ever induced me into reading about it!

What keeps you going however , if I may say so, is the author’s (sometimes amusing and sometimes adorable) confusion. He quotes several diplomats and journalists who try to explain why we are the way we are. How can a country of a billion people be a democracy? How can we flout laid down protocol in International relations because of a whim? Also, the westerners seem to be amazed at our abstractions and our obsession to the utopist theory than realistic practicality. Abstractions and theory are as rooted in Indian Foreign Service and its policy as it is in a term paper (if you have done an MBA , a term paper is always your consolidation unit).

Maybe we are not meant to be solved, maybe there is no reason behind why we are who we are, and maybe there are so many reasons that logic is irrelevant. Personally, I would say we are state of mind! That is the argument that most Indians intelligently use to describe things they have no intention of explaining.

A book is an investment. More speculative than any other and I will tell you why. Other than the minimal cost incurred, it is precious time away from people and the other important things that you will postpone doing anyway. A decent book is worth 4 movies and 3 episodes of your favorite show on TV, a bad book is punishable offense where you can punish the author by never acknowledging him/her again. A good book is a treasure, with learning as the dividend which will stay in your mind for as long you choose. This book is even better because it inspires you to read more and want to ‘learn’ (as Koms would say) more about your country.


Idyll Mind said...

Great! It seems like he covered a lot of ground in this book. I'm certain I'll love and learn from it.

I knew there was a writer in you, but I didn't know you were so penetrative in your writing style. I'll be coming here often for more of your unreserved opinions. I love your genres.

Can I comment about Shantaram here? No, I'll do it there. =)


20-22 said...

Hi Annaps.
Awesome blog. I feel that there is a kind of openness about it that shows your personality.

My favorite part is the last section of this post. I have never quantified book reading in terms of tv show time. That's probably a good thing because I'd never get around to reading anything if I thought about it in those terms.

Idyll Mind said...

Annaps, this is how I understood Tapi's comment to you. "Now that he is quantifying book reading in terms of tv show time thanks to you, he will never get around to reading any book because he prefers tv shows to books"

And if that is true, I really don't understand what Tapi likes about your last section. The way I see it, he is rejecting your idea.

He seems to feel about tv shows the way you feel about books. baaah!
and now we are fighting =) heehee!


Tapi wants to add a clarification

"I like annaps' concept of books being an investment, and to me the fun part was thinking of it literally as x no. of tv shows. But, when I said it's a good thing that I have never quantified book reading in terms of tv show time I didnt mean it so literally. It was more a tongue in cheek type of statement and I was kidding"


Back to me. I think he's full of it. hmph! :D

Vagabond said...

We could start a whole new blog on the 'Comments' section, no?

I want to reeeeeead this book... bah, how lazy you make me feel ya!!!

Unknown said...

If you don't want to
You should'nt have to
Hippaty hoppity hoooo

Sooner or later you will find out
Hippaty Hoppity Hoo